A little about Us

Welcome to Prasara Care Foundation charity

A place called home is crucial for those who are left sick and abandoned by their families or are uprooted by disasters. Prasara Care Foundation is a non-profit organization based in India working towards the welfare of these abandoned children and senior citizens. Prasara Care Foundation aims to create a safe space for orphans and elders away from their homes so they can spend some time together, keeping in mind all safety and hygiene measures, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic situation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to work throughout India and run numerous programs addressing elder needs and rescue programs for orphans. We also aim to address the rights of senior citizens such as Universal Pension, quality Healthcare, action against Elder Abuse, and many more at a national, state, and societal level with Central and State governments. Our programs are focused on direct interventions in the areas of Healthcare, Age Care, and Disaster Response (e.g. covid19 relief response).

Our Values

  • We respect ourselves and all those who stay with us, express our opinions, suggestions, and feelings with dignity; we listen to and welcome diverse perspectives and have a deep regard for others even when their beliefs are different from our own.
  • Integrity- We value being honest and true to ourselves and being authentic and consistent in our behavior, actions, and words.
  • Empathy- We work towards creating a caring environment internally and externally we connect, listen, think and respond deliberately by understanding diverse perspectives and circumstances.
  • Equality- We believe that every human being is important and must be treated with the same amount of respect and honor.

Our Vision

The projects are Prasara are focused on:

  • Providing effective channels for financial donations for any committees that want to help.
  • Providing meals, education, clothing, and medical help to all.
  • Space for leisure activities, gardening, games, grooming, and other resources required for these children and senior citizens to make them feel at home.
  • Engage in community development and work towards self-sufficiency .

Facts about Prasara Care Foundation charity

A lot of work goes down at the grass root level in villages in the remotest corners as well as the most populous metros across India, with schools and government bodies. We need your contributions to keep coming in.


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